1. What is pre-diabetes? Before the development of type 2 diabetes almost always develops in the pre-diabetic condition, health condition unusually high sugar levels but still not cheating on diabetes.
2. Do I have pre-diabetes, or how I diagnosed? You can access GP and request a blood test to diagnose pre-diabetes (those same tests that are people with diabetes). Next visit to the doctor about whether you need to check pre-diabetes.
3. I have pre-diabetes, what do we do? If pre-diabetes was diagnosed, there are several important steps necessary to do, as an earlier intervention would be, so you order the clock back and return back to normal sugar values.
Losing weight can be a good start. But, just download the desired change will lead to significant.
Sports combines sports about 30 minutes a day and choosing healthy foods your body will return you safely to the right track, before starting physical activity is important to consult with your doctor and adjust an organized plan. The doctor can also recommend any other activities.
4. Will I have type 2 diabetes? Pre-diabetes can develop type 2 diabetes, but it is not binding. Recent scientific studies indicate that taking the above steps can slow or even halt the development of type 2 diabetes so she will not develop unwanted directions.
5. Where can I find help and information? You are not alone. Never too late to change patterns of diet and physical activity, control Internet information sources that can help you, the clinic can get more information and referrals to professionals including a doctor and dietician diabetes.