Josh Krajcik’s sultry, soulful voice and dynamic stage presence were probably the highlight of a very enjoyable episode of the Factor.
Along with singing, Josh also plays guitar and piano. On last night’s episode of The X Factor, Josh Krajcik really surprised us. Josh is a 30-year-old “burrito slinger” from Columbus, Ohio. Check out his amazing performance, below:
What an amazing performance! Simon said he never thought he could ever be surprised again, but Josh blew him away. Paula thanked Josh’s mother for driving him to the auditions.
What a great song choice and performance.
One singer that caught the attention of viewers was Josh Krajcik. Josh is from Columbus, OH and is 30-years-old. Simon Cowell even rolled his eyes and questioned his choice, but he sure ate his words after Josh sang.
Did you fall in love with Josh Krajcik too? Which performance was your favorite Wednesday night? Tune into The X Factor Wednesday and Thursday nights on Fox, Channel 10 in the Scottsdale area.