Travel the world with diabetes

Diabetes requires additional planning their travels, since a change in diet and physical activity, change of time zones may affect the blood glucose level. That's why it's important to remember some things that will make your journey easier and safer.

Before the trip
Discuss your plans with your doctor
Pre-warn the airline of the disease diabetes. Perhaps the airline in advance to book provides food for diabetics to power during the flight.
Take a double supply of medicines and supplies needed for the trip. Ask your doctor to make a statement, which will indicate that you have diabetes, and painted with the current treatment regimen.
If you need to make travel vaccinations, schedule them for three to four weeks before your holiday. Some of these vaccinations may influence the level of glucose in your blood.
Homework - find out what medical services are available in the region where you will travel.

Putting things in the way
Write down the name and phone number of your doctor and always carry this information with you.
Make a list of medications that you need and carry it with you.
Always carry a card (medical certificate), which indicates that you are suffering from diabetes.
Keep medicines, syringes, blood glucose meter and supplies for blood glucose, oral glucose-lowering medications in your carry-on luggage.
Not sdavaytemedikamenty and supplies in luggage - he may be lost! In addition, the cargo compartment is not heated and has poor insulation, so your medications and supplies may come into disrepair.
Take stock of medicines and medical supplies for the duration of your trip with a week's supply. This will allow you at any time to extend his tour for longer than you planned and did not go without needed treatment.
Travel with your friends! They will come to your rescue in difficult times. It is important that they know where you keep your medicines and materials for the determination of blood glucose levels, sweetness.
Always carry a carbohydrate source in case of hypoglycemia.
Inform employees of airlines, cruise ships and tour guides about their diabetes. Many airlines and crew of cruise ships will provide you with a special diet.
Check your blood glucose levels more often than usual.

At the airport
Some recommendations for successful completion of the security check flights at the airport:
Notify security personnel that you are diabetic, and have in your hand luggage medicines. All medicines inflicted by the manufacturer to allow their identification.
All of your consumable medical supplies should be labeled inflicted by the manufacturer. You will be allowed to carry syringes in safety, if their number corresponds to the available reserves of insulin.
If you wear an insulin pump - alert service of safety. Insulin pump must be accessible for visual inspection. Insist that the sensor does not pump was removed.
Learn in advance the service of safety list that you can take with you on board as a diabetic.

Injections insulinavo travel
If during the flight you need to inject insulin, follow the usual procedure with one difference: the type of air in half the bottle before you type in a syringe insulin. The air pressure in the cabin and on the ground vary greatly, which could increase the resistance of the piston with the introduction of air into the vial.
Keep storage temperature vashegoinsulina ranging from 0 ° C to 27 ° C. Do not freeze insulin or subject it to direct sunlight!
When crossing time zones may require dosage adjustment of insulin and schedule. Some experts recommend regular insulin every four hours until your body does not adapt to change. Once that happens, you will return to its normal mode of insulin. Check with your doctor, you may need to adjust insulin doses in a big way, if you are traveling to the west (extended day) or less, if you are traveling to the east.
To avoid hypoglycemia, as an extra precaution, do not take insulin, until you know exactly what you will eat, always carry something for snacks.

Care nogamivo while traveling:
Take to the road for at least two pairs of shoes so you can change shoes often. Change of shoes helps prevent blisters and sore spots in the field of pressure.
In addition to comfortable shoes do not forget your socks, and a first aid kit to treat minor injuries of the foot.
Do not go barefoot! Instead, wear shoes designed for beach or pool - protect your feet every time you go to a swimming pool, park or beach, swim in the sea.
Do not wear shoes with open toes. These shoes, including sandals, slippers, and others, increases the risk of injury and the development of an infection on her foot.
Do not forget about the daily care of your feet!

Think about possible emergency situations.
Well in advance of pick out a few relevant phrases in the local language, for example, "I need help," "I have diabetes, where the hospital?" or "I need sugar."

If you're in a foreign country in a difficult situation related to diabetes and not know where to go and try to get to the Consulate of Ukraine, the Red Cross or the local medical school.