Hiding the secret from Mike, Susan was not dealing well. It was a heartbreaking and touching scene, but this is Desperate Housewives. Tom and Lynette appeared to be separated all summer, but they hadn’t told their kids yet. Last season, their fights were relentless and exhausting.
Overall, the season premiere was comprised of suspense, jokes and touching moments amongst the housewives. From the funny car theft scene to the adult housewives swim only scene, it is absolutely refreshing and nice to have the ladies back.
Here’s hoping to a final season of uncontrollable tears, laughs and much more! A signature “Desperate Housewives’s” story line is the weight of a secret, and this season – the eighth and last – kicks off with a big one.
Carlos’s valiant and justifiable effort was, in a word, overkill. As last season concluded, the four friends hid the body during the party; this season they bury it after the affair.
At Bree and Gabby’s urging, the ladies make a pact to keep it a secret, to protect Gabby from having to endure her husband returning to jail. By show’s end they tell the kids. This show is all about confessions, eventually – Paul Young on the murder of neighbor Martha Huber. Orson Hodge on running over Mike Delfino. Andrew Van De Kamp on the drunk driving accident with Carlos’s mother.
Bree opens a mystery letter from her mailbox. Television's favorite Sunday night soap opera, Desperate Housewives, aired it's final season premiere tonight on ABC. Season eight will mark the end of the successful drama series. What would this show be without a dead body to hide? Lynette, Susan, and Brie helped out fellow housewife, Gabby, hide the body of her stepfather. Carlos, Gabby's husband, murdered her stepfather in self defense. Gabby didn't want Carlos to go back to jail. The ladies felt bad and offered to bury the body. Carlos is feeling guilty for killing someone. Susan is acting strange around Mike. Which dead body you ask? Brie's sexy detective lover of course! Since Carlos is still feeling overwhelming guilt Gabby takes matters into her own hands by kidnapping their priest. Only on Desperate Housewives! Cue dramatic music.
The final season for the hit show has been set up to be quite a doozy! Personally, I really do enjoy this show.