No, it was the soothing baritone of Mr. Movie Announcer describing Faris as the star of Scary Movie. Really? Is that how long Hollywood has been trying to make Faris a star? Faris is capable of having a long career as a versatile member in endless comedy ensembles.
I’m just saying Hollywood doesn’t need to keep building watered-down comedies around Faris, because the public’s not buying in. Like Mean Girl Regina ordered Gretchen about the word “fetch,” stop trying to make Anna Faris happen.
Right, Mack?
Like most other comedians, Anna Faris started out her career overselling silly and stupid material. Why? We tend to prefer Lloyd Christmas stupid to House Bunny stupid. Anna Faris is funny, she’s just not funny when she tries to be Jim Carrey.
SEAN: If watching her “struggle” means sitting through Yogi Bear, then I have to disagree with you, Mack. Faris is the next Jane Lynch. The House Bunny received a serious push. Countless articles were written by intelligent film journalists asking, “Why isn’t Anna Faris a big star?” That way, we’d avoid the uncomfortable rom-coms (like this weekend’s What’s Your Number?) or the painful Yogi Bear flops, and Faris could find her niche in smartly written, funny comedies.
Hell, I’m sure Waffle House waitresses benefit from being around Christopher Guest, but all Anna Faris needs to benefit from is a decent script. You think The House Bunny would have won Oscars if a prime Lauren Bacall had played the lead? Anna Faris reveals that filming The Dictator was “super crazy”.
The actress is famous for her roles in comedies such as Scary Movie, House Bunny and new film What’s Your Number?
The actress had to improvise all her scenes and work alongside Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen.
Despite the controversial subject matter, Anna insists the movie is hilarious.
Only Anna Faris, the adorable and sexy star of the upcoming comedy What's Your Number?, could grow out her armpit hair and be told -- by a man -- that it's a huge turn-on. Apparently the blonde comedienne grew her underarm hair out all summer for Sacha Baron Cohen's upcoming comedy The Dictator, and turns out her cutie husband Chris Pratt, well, found it to be a total turn-on!
Turns out Anna Faris's husband Chris Pratt had the opposite reaction to her underarm creative expression.