Apple co-founder, who died on October 5, delayed surgery to treat his pancreatic cancer for nine months, said his biographer Walter Isaacson in 60 Minutes from the U.S. television network CBS. Treatment that could improve life expectancy. Steve Jobs had said at the time: "I did not want my body to be open, I would not be abused in this way," he reveals.
Before resigning to undergo the operation, the former head of Apple tried to treat his cancer "a diet" and went to see "spiritualists" while his entourage urged him to have surgery, a also told Walter Isaacson. According to him, when Steve Jobs has accepted treatment, pancreatic cancer had spread to tissues surrounding the organ.
The former editor of Time magazine continues: "I think he felt he should have an operation soon." His biography, "The Book of Jobs," is expected in the French bookstores on November 2.