Meeting her in person, Faris comes across as a nice quiet girl from Seattle, which she definitely is. A 10-page profile of the actress in The New Yorker last April labeled her "funny like a guy." "I don't know what that means," says Faris, whose new movie, "What's Your Number?" comes out today. I guess that I am willing to do a little bit more than other girls are.
I was really broken in early with 'Scary Movie.' The R-rated "What's Your Number?" is a rare thing in Hollywood -- like "Bridesmaids" it's a raunchy, women-driven comedy. Based on the book "20 Times a Lady" by Karyn Bosnak, Faris plays Ally, an early thirtysomething woman who likes to party. On the day she gets sacked from her job, she reads an article in Marie Claire magazine saying that a woman on average sleeps with 10.5 men during her lifetime and that a female who sleeps.
In order not to go over this mythical mark, Ally swears off bedding men -- including the ladies' man who lives across the hall (Chris Evans) whom she's attracted to. Instead, she decides to track down her ex-lovers, hoping that maybe she missed the magic man.

The tricky part for Faris, whose company is also producing "Number," is, does Ally still come across as sweet or -- as mostly male studio executives worry -- promiscuous? "It's a really archaic notion," says the 34-year-old actress about the whole number thing. Like "House Bunny," where she played a Playboy Bunny who becomes the matron of a nerdy college sorority, Faris helped develop "Number" and now sees that as the path to take with her career.
"I think that developing your own projects has become a bit of the norm now for both men and women," says Faris. Faris' arc toward comic actress seems unlikely, given her background. Growing up outside of Seattle, her dad, a sociologist, and mother, a teacher's aide, were a bit strict with her.
Her mother, for instance, wouldn't let her read women's magazines, so she would have never come across an article like the one in "Number."
"I was never funny growing up. Faris had been planning to move to London and work in advertising when she flew to Los Angeles to audition for "Scary Movie," which became her first big role.
"Nasty," Faris offers mischievously. Women in Hollywood movies are generally defined in two ways, Faris thinks, either as someone who is juggling a career and motherhood or one with a type A personality without a husband.
"I'm just interested exploring another side -- a loser girl. I'm really excited about redefining who that woman is," says the actress, who is married to Chris Pratt. She met him on the movie "Take Me Home Tonight," and he plays one of Ally's ex-lovers in "Number."
Having recently wrapped Sacha Baron Cohen's movie "The Dictator," Faris is hoping after the success of "Bridesmaids" this summer to keep the conversation going about women and comedy, reaching out to others in the female comedic world. Faris feels close to Ally. Anna Faris had sex with five men before she got married.
The actress tied the knot with her husband, ‘Moneyball’ star Chris Pratt in 2009, but before she settled down she only had a small number of boyfriends.
In the comedy film, Anna plays Ally Darling who decides to revisit the past 20 men she has dated to find out if one of them could be her ‘Mr. Right’ and discovers the average woman sleeps with 10.5 guys before finding her ‘Mr. Right’.
The blonde star also admitted she feels awkward about her sexuality and discussing bedroom matters.
Anna Faris' new comedy asks that controversial question, "What's Your Number?" but the actress told that she doesn't even know how many women her husband, "Moneyball" actor Chris Pratt has slept with.
"I still don't know my husband's number, he won't tell me," Faris told co-host Chris Balish at the film's Hollywood premiere. In the film, Faris plays Ally Darling, a woman who decides to reexamine her past 19 boyfriends to see if one of them was meant to be after reading an article claiming that a woman with more than 20 lovers won't find love.
"I hope it doesn't inspire any break-ups," Faris said of her new film. The movie, which was filmed in Boston, also stars Blythe Danner as Faris' pushy mother and "Captain America" star Chris Evans as her relationship-avoidant neighbor. The cast also includes a slew of comedic stars like Joel McHale, Aziz Ansari, Zachary Quinto, Andy Samberg, Dave Annable, Martin Freeman, Thomas Lennon and Faris' husband Chris Pratt.
"We had a really great time shooting the movie in general," Faris continued. It would be awesome if most movie-making experiences were like that."
Though she doesn't know her husband's number, Faris was open about her own amount of lovers during a recent pre-screening interview with Marie Claire editor Joanna Coles.
"I'm at five," Faris said. The actress also said she believed that the limit in the movie seemed insufficient. Faris asked.
Faris and Pratt, who stars on the NBC series "Parks and Recreation" got married in 2009 after meeting on the set of "Take Me Home Tonight."
Faris, who is best known for starring in the "Scary Movie" franchise, "Just Friends," and "The House Bunny," was previously married in 2004 to her "Lovers Lane" horror movie co-star, Ben Indra. Pratt and Faris got married in Bali on July 9, 2009.
"What's Your Number" hits theaters on September 30. Watch the trailer below.