More and more women die from lung cancer

The number of women with lung cancer dies more than fivefold since 1970, while the proportion of men with this disease dies, falls for twenty years.

Just one cigarette

Yet death is still twice as many men as women from lung cancer. According to a survey by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). In 2006, 9,400 residents of the Netherlands deceased from lung cancer. This is 7 percent of the total number of deaths.

The reason for the increase in lung cancer mortality among women is that, although much later than men, on a large scale smoke. Because smoking until many years later can lead to lung cancer, these changes in smoking habits until much later reflected in the mortality of lung cancer.

Smoked in 2006 about 34 percent of men and 25 percent of women. Because smoking can cause lung cancer, advises CBS to stop this unhealthy habit. In 2006, approximately 30 percent of the Dutch stopped.

Men who quit smoking 36 years on average. Then they smoked more than nineteen years. Women who stop are on average 33 years and have nearly sixteen years smoked. Stop has a disadvantage: female ex-smokers, an average of 4 pounds, 3.4 pounds of men.

Although the number of smokers in the Netherlands has long been decreasing (in males since the late fifties, women from the seventies) stabbing smoking their first cigarette earlier and earlier. Smokers in 2006, raised their first cigarette at an average age of 14.9 years. In 1989 this was more than half years later, at the age of 15.5 years.

A study of smoking habits in different European countries from Innovative Medical Solutions (IMS) also showed that the Dutch are the heaviest smokers in Western Europe.