Combination drug fights lung cancer

Combination of TRAIL receptor targeted agents bortezomib can be used in lung cancer. The combination induces apoptosis in preclinical models of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

This is evident from PhD research by Janet Stege House for NSCLC. Bortezomib is the intrinsic preference for TRAIL receptor 1 or TRAIL receptor 2-induced apoptosis by rhTRAIL in NSCLC cells change and apoptosis via both receptors increase.
Cell Death

Bortezomib promotes the rhTRAIL-induced cell death at the level of the DISC. But also at the level of mitochondria, shows Stege house.

The cancer drug also has an inhibitory effect on the internalization of the receptor after stimulation. Future research should reveal the role in induction of apoptosis.

Janet Stege House April 20 doctorate at the University of Groningen. The title of her dissertation is "TRAIL receptor-targeted therapies and proteasome in non-small cell lung cancer.