The company "ISTMED" launched a pilot version of the information retrieval portal "", combining the interests of patients, the medical community, federal and regional executive bodies.
The purpose of the portal - the formation of a unified national market information platform providing medical services and social communications in this area. The portal provides a complete, accurate and current information about services, equipment and other consumer properties of medical institutions who are project participants. To participate healthcare organizations involved in all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation, and the amount of information collected may contain up to 30 thousand parameters for each medical institution. All information is provided directly curative and preventive organizations and personally certified by the agency head.
As emphasized in the company's portal "" "has no analogues in the world in its completeness and detail of information provided." Thanks to the intelligent search, "" - the only resource Runet, giving the user the ability to make real-time selection of the medical organization on the basis of information availability and reliability.
"" provides healthcare organizations with direct access to the market of consumption of medical services, confirmation and development of competitive advantage, maintain and consolidate their positions, occupied by an increase in market share by attracting new consumers. Thus the conditions for a civilized competitive environment in the medical services market.
The project was developed within the framework of the social program "Health of Russia: the availability and quality of medicine."
"The decision to launch such a huge project due to the presence of own unique methodological and technological developments. The authors of the program have a ten-year successful experience in development and implementation of a vertically integrated system development for the consumer market health care - said General Director of" ISTMED "Yuri Kharitonov. - We believe that creating a high demand draft for the development of the Russian health care. Service Portal requires insurance companies, businesses, choosing health care setting for their staff, and medical organizations that can find this or that service, procedure, or a specialist for their patients. special interest for health care organizations presents "" as an effective tool to increase patient flow and market positioning. "
A comprehensive social program "Health of Russia: the availability and quality of medicine" - large-scale innovative project, harmoniously combining the interests of the state, society and the individual citizen. The project includes four programs: "National health information system organizations", "Social Communication," "health surveillance", "Improvement of the working population."
Ltd. "Information and System Technologies in Medicine" (ISTMED) develops and implements integrated methodology and technology solutions in health, medicine and other branches of social services targeted at the interests of all target groups of consumers of medical services.
In Russia, launched a pilot version of the portal on health care
In Russia, launched a pilot version of the portal on health care
posted by
Maulana Ibrahim
8:33 AM