Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the Netherlands. This disease often develops in the lungs that contain scar tissue or chronically impaired. In the Netherlands, 80% to 90% of all cases of lung cancer caused by smoking. Other risk factors include: prolonged exposure to asbestos, coal tar, iron oxide, radiation damage by ionization (with X-rays and gamma rays), mustard gas, oil and vinyl chloride. There are several types of lung cancer. The most common type is squamous cell carcinoma. Other common types are havercelcarcinoom, adenocarcinoma (glandular-shaped) and reuzencelcarcinoom. Each type has its own pattern of usury and its own response to treatment. Indications for lung cancer include a persistent cough, dyspnea (breathlessness), giving up bloody phlegm, chest pain and recurrent bronchitis or pneumonia, seizures (pneumonia). Lung cancer may soon spread to the surrounding tissue and often spreads to the liver, brains and bones. Lung cancer is usually determined through an X-ray examination and confirmed by cytology (cell research) in a tissue sample from the lungs. The cytological analysis points on the disposal of abnormal cells from the malignant tumor. Surgery is among the most effective treatment for lung cancer. If the cancer is detected early, a pneunonectomie (surgical removal of a lung) or a lobectomy (removal of part of the lung) performed. Often when a discovery operation is no longer possible, because lung cancer often only be determined if the disease is well advanced. Antitumour drugs (chemotherapy) and radiation are often used to counteract further growth. On average, there remains five years after diagnosis only 15% of patients alive. If the disease is detected at an early stage and the operation can take place, the survival rate after five years more. If the cancer has been spread to other body parts, there is little prospect of a cure.