Japan Tourism Agency free 10.000 visits

Tweet about your trip to Japan and get your airfare paid in full. The Japan Tourism Agency is reportedly desperate to convince travelers that the country is safe to visit and not having much luck.
Japan Tourism Agency free 10.000 visits
If the plan is approved, the Japan Tourism Agency says it could begin signing up visitors by next April, a spokesman said.
Japan Tourism Agency free 10.000 visits
Seven months after much of its north-east coast was destroyed by a tsunami, Japan is to step up its campaign to revive tourism by offering free return flights to 10,000 foreign visitors.
Japan Tourism Agency free 10.000 visits
Applicants will be asked to outline their travel plans and answer questions about post-disaster tourism in Japan, recently named favourite long-haul country by readers of the Guardian and Observer in the newspapers' annual travel awards.
Japan Tourism Agency free 10.000 visits
Tourism to Japan dropped dramatically after the 11 March disaster, which left almost 20,000 people dead or missing and triggered the worst nuclear accident in the country's history.
Japan Tourism Agency free 10.000 visits
In April, international visitor numbers stood at 296,000, according to the Japan national tourism agency [JNTO], down 63% on 2010; by August they had recovered to 547,000, down 32% on last year.

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