Scientific study warns of the dangers of taking supplements of vitamins

U.S. medical study warned that taking adverts of dietary supplements such as vitamins, may increase the risk of death in elderly women, but men have Another study showed that vitamin E may expose them to risk of prostate cancer.

The researchers found this result after the data collection 39 thousand women participated in the study, the research team focused on the link between consumption of dietary supplements and death, and found that during 19 years died more than 15 thousand women.

The men, she noted another study, conducted by U.S. experts, researchers, that the doses of vitamin E on a daily basis would increase the risk of prostate cancer in men, even after you stop eating it.

And specialists revealed that eating the elderly amounted to 400 IU of vitamin D led to increased exposure to disease by 17 percent over seven years.

This study highlights concerns about the long-term use of dietary supplements by people who do not have a severe lack of nutrition, particularly in the United States, where more than half of dealing with adult vitamins, minerals or dietary supplements.