Heart disease (Coronary Heart Disease, coronary artery disease, ischemic heart disease / coronary)

Because the term heart disease or heart disease is fundamental to any site - is brought to you an extensive explanation of the major heart disease.

Heart Disease signs

Atherosclerosis process and its implications

Vascular diseases and heart are now the leading cause of death in the Western world and are considered an epidemic and should find them as soon as possible. One common causes vascular disease is a blockage resulting cumulative atherosclerotic arterial wall layers Karaites "plaques" (plaque). Plaques are formed when the inner layer of the artery is compromised, and the affected area residents fats, cholesterol, calcium, cells associated with inflammation and other processes. Resulting in increasingly stiff bulge swelling and may completely block blood vessels. This process is called atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries or simply clogging the arteries, and is the most common heart disease called coronary heart disease (coronary artery disease CAD) or ischemic heart disease (ischemic heart disease).

Autopsies the bodies of American soldiers killed in the Korean War proved that the plaques are also found in the bodies of young men, and hence the process of clogging the arteries begins early age, mainly due to inadequate diet of the child (and now also the American Israel) average. In addition, different states, in part genetic and part environmental, accelerate the process of arterial blockage. Diets rich in cholesterol and saturated fats, high blood triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, smoking, physical inactivity and obesity are just some of the risk factors that can be controlled, thus reducing the risk of blocking blood vessels and prevent heart disease.

Accumulated plaque in arteries contains the center cholesterol and other substances, and covered with a fibrous layer surrounding it. Impaired when exposed outer layer of cholesterol into the bloodstream and activates several clotting mechanisms that encourage dangerous blood clots from forming there. The clot can block the artery plaque area in which it was created, or be released into the bloodstream and block blood vessels elsewhere in heart or body. When blood clots in heart arteries clog the phenomenon is called thrombosis Koronarit, and Cskris another artery clogging blood the body is called an embolism (embolia). Emboli relatively common and dangerous occur when a blood clot reaches the brain - causing a stroke (CVA), or the lungs then it is called pulmonary embolism (pulmonary emboly).

Another process that could affect the heart is a temporary contraction of coronary artery spasm or Sfz'm machine. Collapse This obviously reduces the diameter of blood vessels, which can sometimes cause blood flow in the artery and thus may compromise the heart muscle. Sometimes this contraction may cause damage to the artery wall and strict internal bleeding artery-clogging process. In most cases this process occurs already suffering from blocked arteries at different levels and it only makes the situation even more. Severely blocked artery spasm can cause even half of heart attack.

If so, when a blood clot, or more rarely artery spasm, worsening the blockage of arteries that supply blood to the heart, blood flow to the heart muscle decreases. When blood flow to the heart is limited to permanently or temporarily, the heart muscle "Hunger" oxygen - a condition called ischemia (cardiac ischemia in this case - myocardial ischemia). This can cause angina (angina pectoris), these are the typical chest pain for heart patients (see detailed below). When blood flow to the heart is blocked completely or limited in the extreme, heart muscle cells that may be affected and heart tissue may die. Condition which causes the death of heart muscle tissue cells called a heart attack (MI-myocardial infarction) (see detailed below). Impact and the area damaged heart, usually determine whether the attack will cause damage to the easy, difficult, or in some cases even death.

Artery-clogging process may also affect other organs in the body. Sclerotic arteries clogging of the arteries that supply blood to the brain (Hkrotim arteries - carotid artery) can cause a stroke (CVA, stroke), while blockage of arteries that supply blood to the feet can cause foot and a condition called "intermittent claudication" (intermittent claudication). But without doubt, the dramatic culmination of vascular disease is often clogged arteries bringing blood to the heart leading to heart attack, or if it was discovered in time, catheterization or bypass surgery. And although sometimes a heart attack comes ahead without clinical signs, is actually the culmination of a prolonged heart disease started years ago and led in part to block the arteries feeding the heart and other organs. Seems that when it comes to someone older, blocking blood vessels, followed by decline in organ function is considered part of the process of aging, but the facts show that this disease had not existed before. Indeed, elderly people with age, but heart disease is not inevitable. Today we have to delay or even prevent the disease, that did not exist almost at all three generations ago.