Risk factors for coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction

We can classify the risk factors for coronary heart disease have a major impact factors and other factors:

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Main influencing factors:

This disease is recognized in public high blood pressure "or just" blood pressure ". Common diagnosis of hypertension increased in recent years, due to the increase in life expectancy (blood pressure tends to rise with age), and by lowering the values ​​in which hypertension is diagnosed from the past 95 / 160 mm Hg to 90/140 now.

Smoking causes a series of lesions, each of which in itself can be a problem. Smoking increases the heart rate, raises blood pressure, increases the concentration of blood coagulation factors and blood viscosity, increases the level of LDL levels ("bad" cholesterol) and lowers HDL ("good cholesterol") makes transmission of blood vessels (and thus increasing load on the heart), and experimental animals is bad for the inner layer of blood vessels, and therefore he contributes actively to the development process plaque.

Smoking cigars or pipes increases the risk of coronary heart disease and blood vessels by 40 percent.
Smoking half a pack of cigarettes a day increases the risk 2 times. And smoking a pack and more per day increases the risk of acute myocardial infarction more than tripled compared to non smokers. In recent years, accumulating evidence by which damage blood vessels also smoking marijuana. It is important to stress that even non-smokers who are around smokers seek their lungs to cigarette smoke (passive smoking) and exposed to a significant degree of smoking risks.

High blood fat levels
The blood contains different lipids, some come from food that the body absorbs and some other elements are created in the body from food are absorbed into our bodies. Blood lipid levels, therefore depends on the availability of food (depending on the diet) and the body's capacity to produce them and process it (depends largely inherited tendency). Blood lipids participating in the plaque are Cholesterol and triglycerides. Cholesterol is a vital process of construction and operation has an important role in many body systems. Cholesterol carried in the blood is generally associated with protein, which serves as a transport. Subject protein has little cholesterol and low density cholesterol which is called LOW-Denisty Lipoprotein) LDL); another protein, carries a large amount of cholesterol, is a protein with a high density of cholesterol and is called High-Denisty Lipoprotein) HDL).

Opinions still differ about the importance of high triglyceride levels and of itself. But there's but the level of agreement that a combination of high triglycerides with high LDL levels are higher risk than any individual factor.

Run in families - Genetics
There is a higher incidence of developing coronary heart disease in offspring parent who suffered acute myocardial infarction, especially if it occurred at an early age (before age 55). Hard to tell if the main factor in these cases is hereditary, environmental (diet) or a combination of several factors. Genetic component probably is dominant. Interestingly, the eldest of all children in the family more likely to have heart disease.

Sometimes people refer to a fat man as overweight, although the two concepts are not identical. Overweight refers to the concept of relative weight of the body (depending on the height and structure), while the term obesity refers to the thickness of the skin in various body areas, like the scope of the abdomen (belly), under the shoulder blade and more. Obesity is a risk factor for coronary heart disease. Acceptable to define a person as a person weighs big oil at 20 percent of ideal weight with regard to his data. Overweight conditions of 30 percent has a marked increase in morbidity and mortality from heart disease.
Apparently, body fat distribution is important. Found between the belly fat (waist circumference), both in men, and in women, and increased incidence of coronary heart disease.

Known diabetes a significant risk factor. Apparently there is also contact between the duration and severity of the disease risk of acute myocardial infarction.

Psychological and environmental factors
It is known that state pressure or abnormal mental distress (trauma, stress) may be considered the straw that broke the camel's back, causing the occurrence of myocardial infarction. Found between temporary stress, involves, for example, the loss (death of close), changes of role or dismissal from work or retirement, and the occurrence of myocardial infarction. However, there is no definitive proof the constant mental stress has a direct impact on the development of atherosclerotic process, although it may be affected indirectly, causing high blood pressure, the need to "chain-smoking" or both, and they will ultimately lead to the development of coronary heart disease. In any case, it seems that stress can increase the emotional risk of heart attack.