Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Bill Maher Clash on ‘The View’ Show!

Tuesday, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Bill Maher had an unbelievably gauche exchange on “The View” show, after Hasselbeck faced Maher over a joke he told about her last season.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck bill maher the view angry
A few months back, Bill Maher made a joke on his HBO show saying that he would like to exchange Elisabeth Hasselbeck for Lara Logan. While Hasselbeck added about the remark back in February, she lastly got an option to come face-to-face with Bill Maher on “The View” today.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck bill maher the view angry
Bill Maher and Elisabeth Hasselbeck got into it big time, when she questioned him about a joke he made at her expense, signifying sending her to Egypt in exchange for a CBS television news correspondent Lara Logan, who had been assaulted. Logan and her CBS team were arrested and held for one night by the Egyptian Army on 3 Feb 2011, while covering the Egyptian Revolution.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck bill maher the view angry
Elisabeth Hasselbeck told the team was blindfolded and secured at gunpoint, and their driver beaten. They were advised to leave the country, but were soon after released. On Feb 15th 2011, CBS News released a statement that Logan had been beaten and sexually beaten on 11 Feb., while covering the partying in Tahrir Square following Hosni Mubarak’s resignation. Logan admits that the incident involved 200–300 men and lasted around 25 min.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck bill maher the view angry
Hasselbeck had been reporting the celebrations for an hour without incident, when her camera battery failed. One of the Egyptian CBS team suggested they leave, telling her later on that he heard the crowd make wrong sexual comments about her. She felt hands touching her, and can be heard shouting stop…stop, just as the camera died.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck bill maher the view angry
She went on to say that they cut-off her clothes and, in her words, raped her with their hands, while taking photographs with their mobile. They began pulling her body in different directions, pulling her hair so hard she said it seemed they were trying to tear off chunks of her scalp. She was eventually saved by a group of party-women. Next day, she was flown back to the U.S, where she spent four days in hospital.

“The View” co-host said Maher that she didn’t find his joke to be funny, and he answered that it was not meant as a personal attack on her. But things got even more arguable from there.

Source : http://www.mjbstar.com/television/2011/11/16/elisabeth-hasselbeck-bill-maher-clash-on-the-view-show/