Jessica Biel: she could play in The Notebook ...

The brunette has revealed she has completely missed the audition to star in the romantic masterpiece by Nick Cassavetes. Do you think she would be able to better than Rachel McAdams?
Jessica Biel
Romantic saga, The Notebook (The Notebook English) revealed two stars that are fast becoming the great falls of Hollywood: Ryan Gosling, of course, the pretty boy who made all dropping like flies in What's happening in this moment in Drive. But also the talented Rachel McAdams, excellent in the role of Dutiful Daughter who falls for a bad boy. A powerful role in passionate woman who served the career of the beautiful redhead because since it is part of the cast of Sherlock Holmes, and she had her first role alongside Harrison Ford in Morning Glory.

The female role in The Notebook has thus opened the doors of the Hollywood set, and Jessica Biel would have liked to be in his place!

The actress told the U.S. that it had applied for the role of Allie Hamilton and past the cast. But as the pretty brunette then turned Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it's covered in blood she did her essay!

"This role I really wanted. I was in the middle of shooting of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I auditioned with Ryan Gosling, covered in blood."

Of course, the darling of Justin Timberlake has not got the part! But as we have seen in the excellent period film The Illusionist and a bunch of romantic comedies, you think it could be a hit in this movie, do not you?